LIFE Ukraine

Conservation of Natural Heritage for Life in Ukraine (101148569 — LIFE23-PRE-CZ-ConNaturLIFE Ukraine — LIFE-2023-PLP)


Project number: 101148569
Project acronym: LIFE23-PRE-CZ-ConNaturLIFE Ukraine
Call: LIFE-2023-PLP
Topic: LIFE-2023-PLP-Bauhaus-Phoenix-Emerald
Type of action: LIFE Project Grants
Granting authority: European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
Project starting date: 1 March 2024
Project end date: 28 February 2026
Project duration: 24 months
Project budget: 1 088 512.07 eur, funding rate 90% (979 660,86 eur)

Czech Republic – Ukraine Consortium
ENVIRONMENT – PEOPLE – LAW (EPL) – financial partner
Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine (MEPR) – non-financial partner


​​​​Abstract of the project:

The long-term impact of the project is creation of an effective governance and management system of Emerald network in Ukraine as a basis for implementation of Birds and Habitats Directives and Natura2000 in Ukraine. The project will identify necessary changes in Ukrainian legislation and prepare a clear roadmap for steps leading to full transposition and implementation of the Directives into the Ukrainian legal system. A road map to enhance and improve the Emerald network will be provided. Organizational structure of nature conservation authorities in Ukraine will be assessed, enhancement will be proposed. Guidance documents highlighting best practice will be elaborated and disseminated. The capacity of Ukrainian authorities in nature conservation will be increased and opportunities to train new leaders in this field will be created. The project will identify the necessary steps to improve the management and monitoring of Emerald/Natura2000 sites, together with a realistic plan. The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine as an associated partner is devoted to take the developed policy paper and proposals for increasing institutional capacity as a basis for the preparation of institutional reform in the field of nature protection with the purpose of bringing it closer to EU best practices. Demonstration of the practical implementation of the requirements of the Directives on the example of the Emerald Network pilot site will be carried out and the results will be replicated in outher sites of the network. The capacity and willingness of the young generation/future public officials for the implementation of the Directives will be improved. Key stakeholder groups and the wider public will be engaged into establishment of a good governance and management system of natural protection. The partnership between Ukraine and the Czech Republic (and the EU) will be strengthened, personal contacts established and further cooperation encouraged.

Work packages, activities and deliverables:

WP1 Project management and coordination

  • Project management and monitoring of project progress
  • Networking

WP2 Common legislative space for Ukraine and the EU for nature protection

  • Activity T.2.1 Legal establishment of Emerald network
  • Activity T.2.2 Practical transformation of Emerald to Natura 2000 network
  • Activity T.2.3 Legal and practical adjustment of species protection
  • Activity T.2.4 Effective monitoring, reporting, data management

Main deliverables

  • Updated Table of Concordance reflecting conformity between Ukrainian and EU legal systems
  • Analysis of legal and practical implementation gaps in territorial and species protection.
  • Comparison of the system of reporting on derogations in Ukraine in the frame of the Bern Convention and Habitats Directive. Identification of ways of ensuring their concordance.
  • Analysis of the jurisprudence of the EU countries on formation of Natura 2000
  • Proposals for legislative amendments and plans of legislative changes (Emerald network and species protection)
  • Analysis of sufficiency of the current monitoring, mapping, and data management practice.
  • Analysis of compliance of Emerald Network and Natura 2000 network.
  • Proposals for transformation of the Emerald network to Natura 2000 network
  • Analysis and proposal for adding species / habitats into the annexes of the Directives
  • Guidelines for the establishment of species action plans
  • Guidelines on species and habitat management
  • Guidelines for the monitoring, mapping, and data management schemes
  • Guidelines on reporting on Emerald sites / Natura 2000 sites (SDF)
  • Guidelines on reporting on conservation status (Arts. 12 BD & 17 HD)

WP3 Modern European model of governance and management for nature protection in Ukraine

  • Activity T.3.1 Governance structure and professional capacity analysis
  • Activity T.3.2 Financial capacity analysis
  • Activity T.3.3 Development of the overall policy paper
  • Activity T.3.4 Piloting the case of steppe habitats restoration of enhancing management practices of Emerald Sites

Main deliverables

  • Assessment report of institutional set-up with recommendations on the restructuring and subsequent division of roles and responsibilities, including a proposed organogram
  • Materials of the analysis of financial aspects
  • Policy paper
  • Draft decisions on increasing institutional capacity and financial sustainability
  • Action plan for one selected species/habitat developed with a pilot project.

WP4 Promotion of Natura 2000 network in Ukraine: moving from knowledge to application

  • Activity T.4.1 NATURA 2000 toolkit
  • Activity T.4.2 Experience sharing via Study tour
  • Activity T.4.3 Publication and distribution of outreach materials
  • Activity T.4.4 Expanding the biodiversity open database through citizen-science involvement as a transparent tool for decisionmaking
  • Activity T.4.5 Raising environmental protection leaders in Ukraine: innovative training course for future public officials and civil society actors
  • Activity  T.4.6 Communication of project goals and results

Main deliverables

  • Publication on Ukrainian PAs published
  • Publication on the selected Emerald site published
  • Study tour to the Czech Republic for 5 MoE experts organized
  • Study tour to the Czech Republic for 10 Ukrainian stakeholders organized
  • Study tour to the Czech Republic for 3 journalists organized
  • Natura 2000 toolkit
  • The educational program created
  • Holding iNaturalist Day in Ukraine
  • Layman's report
  • minimum 3 press releases launched
  • Project description published on partners webpages

WP5 Sustainability, replication and exploitation of project results

  • Activity T.5.1 Preparation of the After-LIFE Plan
  • Activity T.5.2 Replication and exploitation of project results